Storyboard Assignment #3

Storyboard Page 1 Storyboard Page 2

Storyboard Page 3Panel 1: Closeup Shot – Both the jogger and the rollerblader are friends. They prepage their footwear properly and get ready to start moving along.

Panel 2: Close up Shot -The jogger shows their route to the jogger on her map.

Panel 3: Eye Level Shot – The jogger and rollerblader give each other a smiling glance before they begin their exercise route.

Panel 4 + 5: Close up/Panning up Shot from both characters feet to their entire bodies whilst they begin to take off.

panel 6: Wide Shot: The jogger being a competitive person takes off a different route known to be a shortcut and in turn trying to turn the exercise routine into a race.

Panel 7 + 8: Eye level Shot/Blurred Panning left Shot – The jogger casually jogs her way down the original path while believing the rollerblader just wishes to take his own route, seemingly harmless in the end. The jogger on the other hand speeds forth as f ast as he can on his new route in order to reach the end of the “race”.

panel 9: Panning with Character/Extreme Wide Shot – The rollerlader only trying to get to the end of the route first winds up not paying attention to his surroundings and heads straight for a flight of downward stairs.

Panel 10: Wide Shot – Unable to stop his speeding movement, the rollerblader shoots off the stairs and winds up flying down towards another pathway.

Panel 11: Extreme Wide Shot: The jogger comes by a couple on her way through the original route and happily waves to them on her way over.

panel 12: Extreme Closeup/Inward Panning Shot – The rollerblader gives off a facial expression of extreme fear/worry as he continues his uncontrollable ascension.

Panel 13: Extreme Wide Shot – The jogger stops near the couple in front of a bisection in the path to pet the dog and play with it for a brief moment.

panel 14: Over the shoulder Shot – The rollerblader unable to stop winds up shooting towards his jogger friend as he frantically tries to stable himself (to no avail)
Panel 15: Medium Shot – The jogger is stunned as her friend the rollerblader shoots right in front of her,  tripping over her shoe and falling forward. The jogger is breifly stunned as she processes what just happened whilst holding a look of confusion and fear upon her face.

Panel 16: Panning down/Wide Shot – The rollerblader crashes into a park bench, dislodging it from its hold via rusty bolts into old concrete.  The jogger stares at him, worried and fearful that he is possibly in serious harm. The jogger however just stares straight towards the camera, amazed he is ok for the most part.

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