Please view the posters presented at the 19th Annual City Tech Faculty and Student Research Poster Session below. You can click on each poster to enlarge it and view the PDF version under the poster abstract.

We thank all presenters for sharing their innovative and informative research with the City Tech community and beyond!

9-Understanding the State-Sponsored Automatic Enrollment IRA Plans

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Rachel Raskin / Department of Business Certified Public Accounting (CPA) practitioners often face increasing complexity when attempting to give retirement plan advice to business-owner clients. The problem is exacerbated as the baby boomers age and access to retirement savings plans are uneven across states. As retirement savings throughout the country dwindle, the alarming gap in retirement plan access and participation continues to widen. Numerous state reforms across the nation have begun to address the retirement plan savings problem. This research helps CPA practitioners to understand the magnitude of the issue, details a state-by-state summary of State-Sponsored Automatic Enrollment IRA Plans, and offers considerations that may be useful to advise clients. View or download a PDF version of this poster.