Please view the posters presented at the 19th Annual City Tech Faculty and Student Research Poster Session below. You can click on each poster to enlarge it and view the PDF version under the poster abstract.

We thank all presenters for sharing their innovative and informative research with the City Tech community and beyond!

33-Legal and Ethical Challenges of SMART Manufacturing

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“Software is driving the advances in today’s manufacturing, and this means that the mouse is replacing the wrench in many places on today’s factory floor.” Dubbed the next Industrial Revolution, Smart Manufacturing (a/k/a Industry 4.0) is a fully integrated, collaborative manufacturing system designed to meet changing demands and conditions in smart factories, and is poised to revolutionize the way in which manufacturing and business is conducted. Proposed to the U.S. Senate on March 7, 2019, S.715 - Smart Manufacturing Leadership Act is designed to improve the productivity and energy efficiency of the manufacturing sector, develop a national smart manufacturing plan, and provide assistance to small-and medium-sized enterprises/SMEs including grant awards to implement smart manufacturing programs. Despite such benefits, manufacturers will need to consider the legal and ethical challenges surrounding SM, in regard to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and decision-making, AI and patents, and data privacy and security. View or download a PDF version of this poster.