Please view the posters presented at the 19th Annual City Tech Faculty and Student Research Poster Session below. You can click on each poster to enlarge it and view the PDF version under the poster abstract.

We thank all presenters for sharing their innovative and informative research with the City Tech community and beyond!

22-A Friendly Reminder App

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Unlike computers, humans have hard time remembering everything. It has become hard for people to remember many things due to the fact we are capable of using only 20% of our brain’s capacity for memory-forming. Seemingly simple tasks such a doctor’s appointment, items on a grocery shopping list, etc., can easily be forgotten. We have designed, developed and implemented a reminder application using Android Studio. The app provides frequent voice reminders to the user whenever there is an action list to be executed. The application has the capability for the operator to input memos that would be set on a timer. Upon receiving the notification, the operator has the option to carry out with the instructions, disregard, reset its timer or turn-off the application. View or download a PDF version of this poster.