Portfolios on the OpenLab

8,353 to 8,364 (of 8,372)

Ahmed Alkhadashi’s ePortfolio

Ahmed Alkhadashi

qiaowa hou’s ePortfolio

Hus 1207

Adam Rapillo’s ADV 3523 ePortfolio

Portfolio for storyboard concepts class.

Eddie Hernandez’s ePortfolio

Will Add soon

kalisha williams’s ePortfolio


Jose Banegas’s ePortfolio

My name is Jose Banegas and I’m from Brooklyn, New York, more specifically East New York. I am attending the New York City College of Technology and am pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality Man […]

Luishka Roberts’s ePortfolio

As the culinary chef begins…this is my written biography of what I face.

Daisy Tenecela

New York City of Technology Student

rachel samuel’s ePortfolio

English 101- Writing and Reading in a Digital Age

Daniel Wu’s ePortfolio

EMT 1111 Lab Portfolio

Charles Warner’s ePortfolio

The various works found here are of the printed advertisement pieces, being printed campaigns and individual ads, that I have created during the course of my time at City Tech.

leishanna lawrence’s ePortfolio

leishanna lawrence’s ePortfolio