Marta Kucemba-Stryjewska’s ePortfolio
Eng 101 portfolio
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Its just me
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Computer Engineering Technology
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Link to my Website ( (
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This Portifolio contains important information of certain academic courses that I am currently attending.
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Computer Controlled System design project
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Kali Mai came to the New York City College of Technology to seek a Major in Hospitality Management. She will accomplish this because she finds joy in this major that has everything she loves about life in it. Her […]
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My name is Nathaniel Bansi. I am from a small country in South America called Guyana. I come to NYCCT to seek a degree in hospitality management. I will accomplish this because like everyone else I have a goals and […]
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Jordan recently graduated from St. Francis Preparatory High School. She now attends New York City College of Technology for her degree in Hospitality Management. Jordan believes that you should do what makes you […]
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for everything I am interested in
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This is a portfolio of my storyboard work for class.
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