Portfolios on the OpenLab

8,329 to 8,340 (of 8,372)

Andrew Paul’s ePortfolio

To succeed in life

zhiyong rong’s ePortfolio

My name is zhiyong rong, my major is CET. I graduated from QCC, and this is my second year in citytch. I like to play online game, such as WOW and LOL.

Mohammed Khan’s ePortfolio

My name is Mohammed Khan. I am currently Matriculating in New York City College of Technology.

wai tso’s ePortfolio


Jennifer Tapia’s ePortfolio

In this portfolio, I present three of my favorite projects which are based on Arduino or IOIO programs.

Quan Ly’s ePortfolio

Welcome to my ePortfolio. This site contains my information, background and education. Growing up in a modern society, I had a chance to interact with latest technologies, and I have been fascinated by them. I […]

Marta Kucemba-Stryjewska’s ePortfolio

Marta Kucemba-Stryjewska’s ePortfolio

Eng 101 portfolio

Edler Elie’s ePortfolio

Its just me

Raymond Tang’s ePortfolio


Slawomir Kania’s ePortfolio

Computer Engineering Technology

Yoonshik Kim’s ePortfolio

Link to my Website (http://yoonshik.com) (http://yoonshik.com/blog)

sandro rivas’s ePortfolio

This Portifolio contains important information of certain academic courses that I am currently attending.