Portfolios on the OpenLab

8,329 to 8,340 (of 8,354)

Jordan Chaux’s ePortfolio

Jordan recently graduated from St. Francis Preparatory High School. She now attends New York City College of Technology for her degree in Hospitality Management. Jordan believes that you should do what makes you […]

Wenyi Xu’s ePortfolio

for everything I am interested in

Eric Hall’s ePortfolio

This is a portfolio of my storyboard work for class.

Jennifer Lin’s ePortfolio

Jennifer came to City Tech at 2012. She is majoring in Hospitality Management. Her biggest goal in life is to live happy and obtain a career that she will enjoy going to every day. She is unsure if the Hospitality […]

eric elliston’s ePortfolio

these rocks are placed along the coastline to proctect it from erosion and also sere as a asthetic featue. its main purpose however, is to ensure the coastline does not diminish. In New York City the coastline is […]

Yessenia Rodriguez’s ePortfolio

Created to provide an insight on Yessenia Rodriguez.

kashaun henry’s ePortfolio

kashaun henry’s ePortfolio

Huan Yang’s ePortfolio

CET4711-computer controlled system

Ahmed Alkhadashi’s ePortfolio

Ahmed Alkhadashi

qiaowa hou’s ePortfolio

Hus 1207

Adam Rapillo’s ADV 3523 ePortfolio

Portfolio for storyboard concepts class.

Eddie Hernandez’s ePortfolio

Will Add soon