Portfolios on the OpenLab

8,077 to 8,088 (of 8,393)

Lisa Guerra’s ePortfolio

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the Life you have imagined.” -Henry David Tho […]

Veronica Silva’s ePortfolio

Class projects. Fall 2012

Jose Sosa’s ePortfolio

Jose Sosa’s ePortfolio

ADV 3523 Storyboard Concepts

Jessica Morel’s ePortfolio

Jessica Morel’s ePortfolio

my artwork

Melissa Ip’s ePortfolio


Afreen’s protfolio

Story board concept..


For StoryBoard Concepts.

valerie joy ordonez’s ePortfolio

i’ll add more later

veronica benitez’s ePortfolio

welcome to my e portfolio

Kenien Spann’s ePortfolio

This Portfolio will be used to document my ENT 4499 Culmination Project.

Daniel Yu’s ePortfolio

Daniel Yu’s ePortfolio

Art, art and more art

jay soo’s ePortfolio

i am a noob. i have no friends