Portfolios on the OpenLab

7,969 to 7,980 (of 8,356)

Tariq Toussaint’s ePortfolio

I’m 21 years old studying Computer Engineering. I love sports and hanging out w/ my friends.

Gurpreet Singh’s ePortfolio

This is for all my class work and project

vincent fung’s ePortfolio


Ian Greenidge’s ePortfolio


Mariusz Nuckowski’s ePortfolio

Welcome to my portfolio.

Maria Fuzailov’s ePortfolio

I am creating this portfolio for my accomplishments and goals. Thank you for visiting.

YuChang Wu’s ePortfolio

For CET3640

Amirah Baksh’s ePortfolio


kethnell mcfarlane’s ePortfolio

Wat Up

kirk lewis’s ePortfolio


Kurt Lavia’s ePortfolio

This is my portfolio for CET 3640 @ City Tech.

Abe Bravo’s ePortfolio
