Portfolios on the OpenLab

7,825 to 7,836 (of 8,294)

Andres Anderson’s ePortfolio

career eportfolio

erin goodwin’s ePortfolio

Career eportfolio

ysabel pimentel’s ePortfolio

Human Services

Humberto Hinkson’s ePortfolio

Human Services Portfolio

willem edouard’s ePortfolio

willem edouard’s ePortfolio

CET 3640

CET 3640

Harold Morales’s ePortfolio

These are works that i have completed throughout my undergrad studies. It is a combination of physical models, Computer Aided Designs, and Building Information Modelings.

Sheikh Rifat’s ePortfolio

Hello, this is Sheikh. I know it sounds funny when you pronounce it however do know the meaning of my name is actually a ”King.” I like music a lot. I also do a little bit of writing. I’m currently majoring in CET […]



Gina D’Amario’s ePortfolio

Gina D’Amario’s ePortfolio

Dental Hygiene ePortfolio

Lauren Fisher’s ePortfolio

Den 2400L

coleen brim’s ePortfolio

coleen brim’s ePortfolio
