Portfolios on the OpenLab

7,777 to 7,788 (of 8,315)

Jaquan Woodson’s ePortfolio

I major in computer engineering. I don’t really have any free time because I am always at work. But with any free time I do come across I enjoy shopping and hanging out with friends.

Jessica Clemente’s ePortfolio

Jessica Clemente’s ePortfolio

Dwayne Bush’s ePortfolio

Dwayne Bush’s ePortfolio

Sihe Chen’s ePortfolio


Kenny Cruz’s ePortfolio


krzysztof uzieblo’s ePortfolio


Emmy Lam’s ePortfolio

Emmy Lam’s ePortfolio


Franklin Quintuna

My life in college is like any students life. i like to go to the movies and play a lot of sports. that’s all you can know about me.

Kevin Baracaldo’s ePortfolio

Hi !!!

Marvin Castillo’s ePortfolio

Born and raised in New York City. From a boxer,spoken word artist,and now Graphic arts student. My goals is to be able to create logos and be able to do work like posters and advertisement for a product or […]

Christian Joseph’s ePortfolio

My first portfolio

Andrey Fyodorovykh’s ePortfolio
