Portfolios on the OpenLab

7,573 to 7,584 (of 8,372)

Kawa Tsang’s ePortfolio

If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough. -Albert Einstein

Farhin Kapadia’s ePortfolio

Student from CityTech Majoring in Computer Engeneering

Garking Mao’s ePortfolio

This is a portfolio for Logic and Problem solving class

Juan Lugo’s ePortfolio

This is my portfolio and i am cool yea that’s all I got….

Angelica Morales’s ePortfolio

Eportfolio for Computer Lab Class

Brandon Tre

Who I am as a student at NYCCT

Robert Mohammed’s ePortfolio

CET 3510L

Fredy Sazo’s ePortfolio

Arch 1130

Aaron Seymour

Hey welcome to my portfolio. My name is Aaron and i will be using this portfolio to show case my work in EMT1111

Nelson Rosario’s ePortfolio

Im Interested in seeing what this class can teach me

Ryan Hurst’s ePortfolio


Kevin Deangelo’s ePortfolio

my name is kevin deangelo. i am attending my second semester in college. My major is engineering.