Portfolios on the OpenLab

7,405 to 7,416 (of 8,387)

David Martin’s ePortfolio

Come one and all! This is a portfolio containing all of my work for EMT 1111 Logic and Problem Solving with Dr. Carolyn DeCusatis. Check it out!

Michael Perez’s ePortfolio

city tech student

Daniel Perry’s ePortfolio

Portfolio of Programs, Computer created Designs and Electrical Circuits/etc created during my Citytech diploma.

Shinquella Glasgow’s ePortfolio

Here is my CET portfolio.

Luis Miguel Lantigua Jaquez’s ePortfolio

EMT 1111 Logic and problem solving

Hang Jie Zheng’s ePortfolio

EMT 1111

karre brutus’s ePortfolio

human services seminar professional essay

Jennifer Guambana’s ePortfolio

Portfolio for Class EMT1111 for the fall of 2013

Narendranauth Dukhi’s ePortfolio

This is my portfolio for class emt 1111

Jason Hernandez’s ePortfolio

Welcome to my profile and thanks for visiting. Here you’ll find highlights of my work here at Citytech and the exicting things were developing on the OpenLab.

xinyu zhang’s ePortfolio

The hotel industry is the fastest growing industry, its wide range, making it one of very interesting work in the field. Now read this in college courses, in the future I would like to work out in this industry […]

Demmis Reanda’s ePortfolio

This portfolio contains the majority of my work as an undergraduate student.