Portfolios on the OpenLab

6,877 to 6,888 (of 8,388)

RD Ash’s ePortfolio

A collection.

Jonathan Vidals’s ePortfolio

adv class

Giovanni Mazzei’s ePortfolio

For Class.

yeiby del rosario’s ePortfolio

My ePortfolio

Jean Sanchez’s ePortfolio

Hey welcome to my Portfolio, here you’ll have the privilege of enjoy highlights of my work here at City Tech and great things I’ll be developing here.

Kimberly Jeffers’s ePortfolio

Kimberly Jeffers’s ePortfolio

English assignments

carvel robinson’s ePortfolio

Art & Advertising

Leonardo Santana’s ePortfolio

Leonardo Santana’s ePortfolio

Advance English writing.

Monica Doyle’s ePortfolio

Monica Doyle’s ePortfolio

Dental Hygiene

Aisha Marquez’s ePortfolio

Aisha Marquez’s ePortfolio


Shirley Sam’s ePortfolio

Shirley Sam’s ePortfolio

Dental Hygiene

olga lopatoukhina’s ePortfolio

”If your eyes are the windows of your soul, your teeth is the reflection of your health”