Portfolios on the OpenLab

6,433 to 6,444 (of 8,310)
Blanca Agosto’s ePortfolio

Blanca Agosto’s ePortfolio

City Tech

Basmattie Uditsukhu’s ePortfolio

Community Nursing

Vayola Jean’s ePortfolio

Nursing Class.

Roberto Lopez’s ePortfolio

Simple, open minded, and strong-headed, but to sum it all up : balanced.

Luis Lopez’s ePortfolio

I am a student in the Advertising Design major and this will be a compilation of my work that I have done so far.

Maya Smith-Gilbert’s ePortfolio


Xiao Yan Li’s ePortfolio

Xiao Yan Li’s ePortfolio

Lina Li’s ePortfolio

Claudel Choisene’s ePortfolio

Claudel Choisene’s ePortfolio

Coming soon..

Omar Rivera’s ePortfolio

My portfolio is going to be about art and some of the projects I come up with in my tenure as a college student.

Miguel Santos’s ePortfolio

Graphic Communications Workshop

Cyril Odame-Adjei’s ePortfolio

My name is Cyril Odame-Adjei and as far as I could remember I have always wanted to help people and make a small difference in this world. This has led me to many majors such as law and history but I have […]

Michael Feliciano’s ePortfolio

This Eportfolio documents my academic progress throughout my lectures here at citytech.