Portfolios on the OpenLab

5,941 to 5,952 (of 8,290)
Sha Bhuiyan’s ePortfolio

Sha Bhuiyan’s ePortfolio

Welcome to my openlab eportfolio please go to sites to find more about me. :)

Yaritza Pena’s ePortfolio

Yaritza Pena’s ePortfolio

I’m excited to begin the journey of a dental hygienist.

Nathalie Gomez’s ePortfolio

The Old man and the sea Pop-up book scene design

alethia walker’s ePortfolio

alethia walker’s ePortfolio

New found illustration lover, art appreciator, sneaker enthusiast, up & coming brand advertisement/management agent. I want to be the person who promotes,and manages these underground artists. You don’t have to […]

Egor Kozitski’s ePortfolio

Egor Kozitski Portfolio

Graphic Design Principles I

Graphic Design Principles I

Some of my work from my Fall 2014 Graphic Design Principles I class.

Michael Persaud’s ePortfolio

Michael Persaud’s ePortfolio

Here are a few of the works I’ve done within Advertising Design & Graphic Arts.

Kevin Santiago’s ePortfolio

A few of my Projects.

Danielle Angel’s ePortfolio

My major is in communication design. I have a Bachelor of Science in Biology but I am enjoying exploring my creative/artistic side. I am posting all my work here for the world to see. I hope you enjoy it!

momodou Njie’s ePortfolio


Glyne Gittens’s ePortfolio

A culmination of my web pages I have developed or sites I have recreated.

Merlande Romain’s ePortfolio

Merlande Romain’s ePortfolio