Portfolios on the OpenLab

4,261 to 4,272 (of 8,394)

Julia Flint’s ePortfolio

Art Work

Fabrice Dupuy’s ePortfolio

My Art

Saul Bernal’s ePortfolio


kendouchy coissy’s ePortfolio

this is for all the classes that i am currently taking

Baltazar Yat’s ePortfolio

Architecture porfolio

Tyniqua Hinton’s ePortfolio

Tyniqua Hinton’s ePortfolio

My name is Tyniqua Hinton and my major is Math Education. I attend NYCCT and I work as a sub-para for the mathematics classroom at a New York City middle school. My passion is to teach middle school students […]

Madoussou Kamara ’s ePortfolio


sonam gyamtso’s ePortfolio

sonam gyamtso’s ePortfolio

Name; Sonam Gyamtso From: Tibet speaks:Tibetan, English, Chinese

juston Grant’s ePortfolio

My city tech portfolio

Siera Whitaker’s ePortfolio

This ePortfolio serves as a platform for my work, writing, community involvement, and progress toward my degree in Professional and Technical Writing.

gurami deisadze’s ePortfolio

gurami’s work

Tanya Granados’s ePortfolio

This for my professional buildup