Portfolios on the OpenLab

337 to 348 (of 8,369)

Yarlin Peralta’s ePortfolio

My COMD projects

Laura Wong-’s ePortfolio

Laura Wong-’s ePortfolio


Malia Begum’s ePortfolio

Welcome to my English portfolio, a compilations that reflects my journey and growth throughout this course. This collection embodies a variety of assignments that showcase my exploration of literature, critical […]

Erik Jimenez’s ePortfolio

My portfolio

Adriana Ferreira’s ePortfolio

Visual Designer | Videographer | Photographer

Rushelle Diatta’s ePortfolio

for class

Alice Vidal’s ePortfolio

Portfolio of Alice Vidal

Jawanza Lynch’s ePortfolio

Jawanza Lynch’s ePortfolio

Class work

Chekaia Martin’s ePortfolio

A collection of my digital works.

Shauntaya Harriott’s ePortfolio

Shauntaya Harriott’s ePortfolio


Emmanuel Mena’s ePortfolio

Aspiring to be a Creative Technologist / Graphic Designer. Emmanuel is a very empowering individual who likes helping everyone in the community in any way possible using technology. Designing the next tech thing […]

joval davis’s ePortfolio

joval davis’s ePortfolio

Joval Davis design work