Portfolios on the OpenLab

3,301 to 3,312 (of 8,369)

Haoxiang Cui’s ePortfolio


Shmuel Kamensky’s ePortfolio

This portfolio was created during a workshop on learning how to use openlab.

Wen Jie Long’s ePortfolio

Wen Jie Long’s ePortfolio

Portfolio of Wen Jie Long

Malcolm Lewis’s ePortfolio

Mechanical Engineering

Paulina Szymanska’s ePortfolio

Online Portfolio

Vivian Liang’s ePortfolio

online portfolio

Qian Wang’s ePortfolio

This is my online eportfolio

Mathlyn Mckie’s ePortfolio

A variety of work I have done through my first year of college using the skills I have acquired during this time, demonstrating my proficiency in various programs. – Brilliant Architect in the making

Nacala Reid’s ePortfolio

Nacala Reid’s ePortfolio

This is my online portfolio.

KYAW HTUN’s ePortfolio

It’s my online e-Portfolio.

Shaun Pollard’s ePortfolio

I will be using this portfolio to showcase my work and career development at City Tech

Brian Yellis’s ePortfolio

My online portfolio