hi my name is pamela madera but sometimes my friends call me pam or pammy, i respond to any name. i use to go to Southside High school in long island. its a really small town.
once you get to know me im a really fun, friendly, and caring person. i love to make people laugh. im kind of shy when i meet knew people but once im comfortable around you i act completely different LoL.
my favorite things to do on my spare time are hanging out with my friends or watching TV. i love watching tv though because its very entertaining. my favorite shows to watch are Pretty Little liars, Glee, Bad Girls Club, and reality TV. i also LOVE listening to music. my headphones are on almost 24/7 lol. i basically listen to anything that has a good beat but my fav generas are rap, R&B, and pop.
this summer i basically just hungout with my family and friends and i recently went to canada. we went to niagara falls and walked around toronto. it was fun but i wish i stayed longer 🙁
my experience at city tech has been great so far the people here are nice but the school is kinda packed.
In the human services field i hope to gain more knowledge out of it so i can better myself an change myself through problems that i’ve experienced in my life. eventually i hope to learn more about others as well and their problems. so far i learned that the whole point is to help yourself and you cant change people. and you should also gain something positive form your profession.
well thats all i have about myself and i hope people who read this learn something new about me 🙂