Community Service

Service Learning Project

This presentation targeted the pregnant population due to the increase reports of pregnancy gingivitis. This condition of the swelling of the gums is due in part to the hormonal changes during pregnancy that make gums more sensitive to the bacteria in plaque. My group and I visited a prenatal yoga studio. Our goal for these mommies to be was to stress the importance of oral hygiene care and routine dental checkups during pregnancy. We began with surveys prior to the presentation to asses their oral health knowledge. We then gave our presentation using pamphlets along with a typodont to demonstrate proper brushing and flossing techniques. We ended our presentation with hands on demonstrations and goody bags. Overall the project was a great success and a huge pleasure to be a part of.


Head Start Fluoride Varnish Program 2017

The American Dental Association recognizes that early childhood caries is a significant public health problem in selected populations and is also found throughout the general population. Infants and young children should be provided with a balanced diet in accordance with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, along with discouragement of sleeping with a bottle. The Association urges state and local dental societies to be a resource for the medical community and public health programs like Head Start. There has been a reduction in the prevalence and severity of early childhood caries thanks to fluoride.