Raspberry Pi Final Project


Raspberry Pi Web Server

Group Members

Wesley Brown (Created the web page)

Phu Nguyen (Set up the raspberry pi)

Lawrence Salinas (gather info on setting up the web server)

Chen Haiting (Created the web server)

Setup Commands

sudo apt-get install apache2

cd /var/www

ls -al

sudo chown pi: index.html

sudo nano index.html

To Access on Local Network

Webpage Source Code

<title>Operating Systems</title>
<body bgcolor=”aqua”>
<h1>Operating Systems Progress</h1>
<h4>Progress Throughout The Semester</h4>
<ul>Different Topics Covered
<li>Introduction To Linux</li>
<li>Virtual Operating Systems</li>
<li>Command Line Interface</li>
<li>Vi Terminal</li>
<p><center><h4 align=”center”>Below are screenshots of Progrss so far!</h4>
<img src=”https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/wbrown-eportfolio/files/2014/10/wget.png” height=”350px” width=”400px”/>
height=”350px” width=”400px”/>
height=”350px” width=”400px”/>
height=”350px” width=”400px”/>
height=”350px” width=”400px”/>
height=”350px” width=”400px”/>
<hr color=”black” size=”10px”/><center><u>Below this are participants of the group</u><br />
<li>Mr. Nguyen</li>
<li>Mr. Haiting</li>
<li>Mr. Salinas</li>
<li>Mr. Brown</li>
<hr color=”black” size=”10px”/>


In this project we demonstrate how the raspberry pi circuit can be used as a web server using the Apache application and the raspberry pi’s terminal. with raspberry pi we are able to host web pages.




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