Lab 4

Command chmod:
This command is used to change or give permission of a file based on Octal binary. Example below changes the file permission so that it is able to read and execute only, no permission to write is given.

Command su:
This command changes the current user’s shell to access some restricted commands. Example below changes the regular user into a super user or admin.

Command sudo:
This command allows the shell to execute as admin or another user. Example below shows that the sudo command were able to bypass a password restricted command.

Command chown:
This command change the ownership of the desired file. Example below shows that the file own by mint user is now change to root user.

Command passwd:
It is able to change the user’s password in shell using the passwd command. Example below uses the passwd command and change the user’s password.

Command ps:
This command shows all the process currently open. Example below display the process open using the command ps.

Command kill:
The kill command is use to terminate any process currently open. Example below terminated xlogo process simply by typing kill then process ID.

Command printenv:
This command display the variables of the environment. Shown below is the environment variable using the printenv command.

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