Case study #1
Initial visit: Patient 67 years old, non smoker, BP 140/88
This patient have a history of hypertension and is currently taking Hydrochlorothiazide 1 tablet of 5 mg once daily. Intra and Extra oral exam was within normal limit. This Patient was classified as type 2 periodontis because he had generalized recession, CAL ranging from 5mm – 8mm, no mobility, class 2 furcation and moderate bleeding upon probing. While doing dental charting i notice that the patient also had generalized abrasion on maxillary anterior and posterior teeth. Also very little attach gingiva was present. Heavy calculus and light stain was found, generalized on mandibular anterior teeth and localized lingualy on maxillary and mandibular molars. Ultrasonic was my initial instrument use to beginning the cleaning and later hand instrument ( universal curet , NEVY 123, gracy curet). I recommend that this patient use a power tooth brush, floss daily and rinse 2x day using listerine total care. 4 month recall was explained to the patient.
- Image showing patient with generalized sub and supra gingival calculus on mandibular teeth.
- The second image shows post treatment.
Case study #2
Recall Patient : Age 25, nonsmoker, BP122/85.
patient medical history was within normal limit. He does not take any medication, over the counter medication and neither herbal supplement. Extra oral was within normal limits, however, during the intra oral exam they were some variation of normal such as Bilateral mandibular tori and bilateral linear alba. The patient had amalgam restoration on his maxillary posterior and no restoration on mandibular teeth. Farther more, this patient was caries free and i recommend sealant to be placed using rubber damn on mandibular molars. They were no recession, no mobility and probing depth range from 1-3 mm. However, patient had generalized inflammation with rolled soft margins, bulbous papilla and soft red attach gingiva. This was due to the heavy sub and supra gingiva calculus. A Prophylaxis was done using ultra sonic triple bend and hand instrument Gracy curet for finishing. I recommend electric tooth brush for this patient and also taught him flossing technique.
- pix #1: Rubber Dam placement
- pix #2: Preparing tooth for sealant
- Pix #3: sealed tooth