Parker | D034 | Fall 2023

Category: Lectures (Page 7 of 9)

Series – Review

A photo of math notes written on a chalkboard.

After today’s quiz, we started by talking about what makes “power series” different from the series that we’ve been working with so far this semester. The presence of \(x\) as a variable in the series means that we have a series that can both converge AND diverge — depending on the value of \(x\).

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Series – Power Series

A photo of math course notes written on a blackboard.

Before talking about today’s quiz, I asked the class to recall the motivation behind the Ratio Test. We will see many series with sequences that are “almost” geometric. That is to say, sequences that don’t have a strictly common ratio — but as n gets very large, the sequence has something very close to a common ratio. (In the last set of notes, I called this a “common-ish” ratio.)

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Series – Ratio Test

A photo of math class notes written on a chalkboard.

Well, today’s quiz didn’t go as expected. (If you were there, you know.)

So, instead we did some examples together! Our first example is an alternating series, with absolute sequence \(b_n = \dfrac{2n^3-1}{\sqrt{9n^4-n}}\).

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