Determining Your Age

This program determines if a person is an infant, child, teenager or an adult while using conditional and control flow. First I used the input method to ask the user what their age is, then used the int method to change the user’s input into an integer. I stored that information into the variable age. If the person’s age is less than 1, they are an infant, if their age is greater than 1 but less than 12 they are a child, age is greater than 12 but less than 17 they are a teen, age is greater than 17 and less than 64 they are an adult, if their age is greater than 64 they are a senior. Anything else inputted will return “Please enter a valid age!”.

def age():


age = int(input(‘Please enter your age as an integer:’))


if age <= 1:

print(‘You are an infant!’)

elif age > 1 and age <= 12:

print(‘You are a child!’)

elif age > 12 and age <= 17:

print(‘You are a teen!’)

elif age > 17 and age <= 64:

print(‘You are an adult!’)

elif age >= 64:

print(‘You are a senior!’)


print(‘Please enter a valid age!’)

