
Hello, my name is Olivia Watson. I graduated from Saint Paul’s School of Nursing with my AAS. Thankfully I passed my NCLEX March 2016. I am currently enrolled at NYCCT to gain my BS in nursing. In the beginning of my nursing career, I dabbled with school nursing on a one to one case. Shortly after I went on to work in the nursing home, which quickly showed me the “back breaking” responsibilities of nursing. Today I am practicing as an Emergency Room Registered Nurse, now I understand what “nurses save patients lives” mean. In the span of 3 years I have gained so much experience. I will keep them in my mental toolbox for the betterment of my nursing career. The ultimate goal is to become a renowned Midwife, who provides exceptional care to all women. The purpose of this portfolio is to share my academic progression while attending NYCCT. Also, this portfolio can be used as a tool for myself. This portfolio can be used as a reflection tool, to reflect on what I have accomplished throughout my academic career.