
My name is Omar Touray and it is a pleasure for me to introduce myself to you. I am currently attending the New York City College of Technology, majoring in Business and Technology of Fashion. Although I originate from a West African background specifically Liberia, I was born and raised in the South Bronx.  My background plays a major role in shaping me into the resilient and strong minded individual that I am today. Going to college and obtaining a bachelors degree is more than just a personal goal for me. It’s part of a much bigger picture.

Aside from the fact that my sisters and I are the first generation of our family to graduate from college. Within the community we live in as well, attending college and successfully graduating is not an opportunity that is commonly accomplished. So for me it’s a privilege not only to be on the path to achieve this. Also, being able to use this degree as a stepping stone for me to able to provide for my family. Which is a major goal of mine that I plan to achieve in my future. This will be my last semester here in which I major in Business and Technology of fashion. The reasoning behind this major is my immense passion towards the business field. While also having an interest in the fashion world. This major allowed me to align my two slightly different interests in an educational setting.  Throughout my time in this school I was able to successfully maintain a 3.1 gpa. This goes to show my dedicated and driven academic work ethic. Especially after attending the College at Brockport (State University of New York) prior to this school. At the time I had envisioned an entirely different  career path for myself. I was able to turn that curve ball into not only a lesson but a strength of mine. Which is to take any situation and always make sure I grow from it.

In viewing this ePorfolio, you will explore details regarding my professional experiences, aspirations for my career, and my plans for further growth in the future. Examples of my past assignments and projects that I have completed over the years at City Tech, will also be present for you to view as well. I appreciate you for taking out the time to display your interest and please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.