
JFEW Scholarship  Recipient:

Interned at Kings County Hospital as Dental Hygienist

 July to Sept 2019.

During the summer months of  2019, I was interning as a Dental Hygienist, at one of the New York City  Hospitals in the middle of Brooklyn, as this was part of my scholarship requirement. There I treated a variety of patients of different ages and with various ailments and afflictions. While the majority were healthy, some were undergoing treatment for cancer; pregnant women, patients with assisted walking devices such as: canes, walkers for wheelchair [manual/electric]. Those that had these assisted walking devices, were usually accompanied either by a family member or an aide.

Treatment of patient within a hospital setting is very different from that within a school’s clinical settings. In the latter, assessments and implementation treatment of the patient from start to finish would have been done by the hygiene student. On the other hand, by the time the patient was seen by the hygienist in the hospital, all of the assessments, treatment plan and radiographs, were already  completed. The patient would began his/her care with a dental prophylaxis by the hygienist.