
Project Description

In my first project at the Business & Industry Workforce Training Center (BIWTC), I was tasked with creating flyers to promote two of their programs: Direct Support Professional (DSP) and Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC). Recognizing the absence of a formally established brand identity at BIWTC, and considering City Tech’s role in flyer production and publication, I strategically leveraged City Tech’s signature blue and orange color scheme to ensure visual consistency within the college’s branding.


Design Strategy for the DSP Flyer:

Emphasis on Clarity and Calmness: Extensive use of white space fosters a sense of serenity and allows for easy information processing while keeping the original colors of City Tech.
Visual Hierarchy: The flyer is divided into distinct sections: an information block clearly presenting program details and a complementary visual element that subtly reinforces the program’s purpose.


Design Rationale HVAC Flier:

Color Scheme: The use of blue and orange creates a dynamic and energetic visual representation of the HVAC industry. Blue evokes feelings of trust and reliability, while orange signifies action and power. This combination effectively conveys the professionalism and efficiency associated with HVAC services.
Imagery: The inclusion of images showcasing typical HVAC tasks not only informs potential applicants about the job duties but also emphasizes the practical and hands-on nature of the work.
Diversity & Inclusion: Featuring a diverse workforce, including women, accurately reflects the evolving landscape of the HVAC industry and promotes a message of equal opportunity. This inclusive approach aims to attract a broader pool of qualified candidates.

Image by Octavian Dan from Unsplash

Published by

Olya Gasparyan

Aspiring Graphic Designer with a passion for crafting impactful branding experiences. Adept in Adobe Suite, a portfolio showcasing vibrant identity designs. Eager to collaborate with a team that values design thinking and pushes creative boundaries. I’m brig and friendly person who loves to eager cultures learning through traditional food.