Learning Self-Analysis for the Program

Graduating from Baccalaureate degree program, I came to realization that the whole experience is vitally important in shaping me as a nurse. The invaluable knowledge that I acquired throughout the BSN program added significant depth to the information and skills learned during the ADN program. In this program the knowledge is broader and even more valuable to apply in everyday practice. BSN teaches the students to look at the problem from different aspects because positive patient outcomes are directly related to how well the clinical picture is addressed and looked at from every angle by the multidisciplinary team.

Management skills are also integral for all nursing staff, not only the managerial level. Seven though only 1% of nurses become managers, leadership skills are a must-have in day-to-day lives of staff nurses is a shape of efficient organization of work with PCTs and CNAs and conflict resolution among staff. Research taught us very important skills of deciphering though thousands of articles to find the right one that is pertaining to the topic of any current research using evidence-based practice.

Graduating from Baccalaureate degree program, I came to the realization that is only the first step, the beginning, the entry into practice. This is the degree that makes nurses understand that nursing is more than the bedside, nursing is the entire limitless world of opportunities awaiting for the learners. Baccalaureate degree taught me to never stop looking for knowledge, appreciate and reflect on the one already obtained and educate everyone I meet on my way.