Personal Philosophy

          My personal nursing philosophy stems from the notion that all living beings are interconnected with one another and with the surrounding environment as a whole. This leads me to believe that actions of one can greatly impact other individuals; therefore it is important that we act mindfully toward others and toward our environment. Having this belief causes me to view individuals on a multidimensional level, enabling me to recognize basic human needs, as well as higher intellectual and emotional needs. As a nurse I have a unique opportunity to connect to my patients on multiple levels and provide care that is holistic.

            Taking into consideration Jean Watson’s Philosophy of Nursing, I believe caring is an essential part of nursing. As part of my nursing philosophy I would like to include that displaying kindness and genuine concern for the well-being of others regardless of circumstances is something I will always strive for. I will always use personal reflection when faced with difficult situations to arrive at solutions that are best suitable to all involved. Additionally, I believe in creating an environment that offers the development of potential while allowing my patients to choose the best action for him or her selves, thus fostering progress and individual growth.

            Finally, I will always guide my professional decision making by keeping in mind ethical principles as defined by the American Nurses Association. I will be mindful of the principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmalficence, fidelity, and justice, and will uphold these principles in my daily practice.

            I believe following my personal nursing philosophy allows me to provide effective, quality care, while emphasizing holism of individuals, and practicing care in an ethical manner.