Time Management for Research Seminar

Coming into this course, I didn’t think of how crucial time management was. Working 2 full time jobs and going to school full time, you wonder how am I going to manage my time  to type such a paper?  Well it wasn’t easy and still isn’t even towards the ending approach to the semester , but it has to be done.

In this class there are deadlines and specific due dates for each part of the paper. My suggestion to you is : DO THEM! there is nothing worse than procrastinating and then trying to catch up to do everything at the last second. Get an organizer and get organized! Plan your work. Give yourself personal deadlines before the actual professor’s deadlines and you will see how this time managing works in your favor.

I mean we all got anxiety of how can we possibly stretch our knowledge enough throughout a 10 page paper, but you will get through it little by little , day by day. If only I had taken my own advice , I would’ve saved myself from a lot more stress, but lets face it, its college and we’ll FOREVER be stressed lol. But like I said earlier, however you choose to manage your time, its up to you, but don’t say no one ever told you so. Good luck to you future Research Seminar students :).

Saving African lives one clean plate at a time!

Essentially, most of us want to make a difference in not only our lives but the lives of others. Its up to us individually to choose how we want to do it. As for me , my change would be about making Africa more globally aware about food safety  readiness in public food serving locations. A goal while soaring this adventure would be to help get national funding for majority of African nations, helping restaurant owners and its staff to raise awareness for food safety.

With organization such as Grants for Africa, youthpolicy.org and Heineken Africa foundation, we are expressed to determine that help is amongst us. The more knowledge we can spread with food safety awareness , the less foodborne diseases will not be allowed to spread such cholera, typhoid and various parasitic organisms that can lead to tons of other sicknesses.


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