

Self- Strengths

    Benefit from many years study in nursing schools, I have built up a solid foundation on medical knowledge in terms of human anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, nutrition and human behavior science. I have also been cultivated the character of persistence and do not give up easily. I also benefit from effective time management skills that help me able to make balance among my study, busy work and personal life.  Few years working experience in emergency setting enhance my skills on time management even more with regards to how to prioritize my heavy workload to become more productive, more effective and safer based on the nursing critical thinking. Which is a key for me to survive in this high stress, fast paced working environment and meanwhile protect patients’ safety as well.

Showing empathy and compassion to patients and their families regardless of situation, and put myself in their shoe to truly understand their feeling. Which I always consider as one of most important nursing skills to help building a rapport relationship with patient and ensure to provide a proper care based on their needs.  When working with more diverse patient population, I start to focus more on cultural competency. I always pay particular attention on their cultural background, value and belief etc.,  in order to adjust their care of plan and even fighting for their rights of decision making when it is necessary.

Communicate effectively between patient and health team is also necessary to me to function as an effective bedside nurse and front line health profession, especially awards me the power of handle of some conflict or difficulty situations.  As health care becomes more complex and challenge, I realize that the nursing career is a lifelong learning. No matter what type of nurses I will be in the future, but I’ve already set up my future goal to advancing my competency both on knowledge and caring.