Philosophy Statement

Personal Nursing Philosophy

Nursing is not a randomly selection of future career, it is a call for me after I experienced the great power of caring from a young nurse in my most vulnerable situation many years ago. I reflected my own journey from studying in nursing school to working in acute care setting as a registered nurse today, I deeply felt that nursing is not only carrying my passion, as well as my belief and values, which I defined as personal nursing philosophy.

Nursing is knowledge and caring.  My nursing knowledge is founded on the formal nursing education, clinical skills and life experience, and integrated with my nursing caring with sensitivity to the cultural and ethnic diversity of patients, their families and caregivers.

I believe that nursing care must be holistic and patient centered.  Maintaining patient confidentiality, encouraging patient’s independency and involvement of his/her own care. Collaborating and cooperating effectively with multidiscipline and families, to achieve an optimal and safe patient care.

I also believe that ongoing education is important for the delivery of premium nursing care and should be committed for lifelong. Beside continue expanding my empirical nursing knowledge through currently BS, and future advanced degree, my practice will also be continued to enhance through all aspect of life.

I will continue to practice my belief based on evidence –based practice, critical thinking, nursing process, perform patient education and counseling, commit to ongoing monitoring and evaluation of patient care to achieve the best outcome of patient and their families.

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