NYC Men Teach

 The CUNY NYC Men Teach program provides academic and financial supports to program participants, with the goal of supporting them through the teachers certification and hiring process so they can enter the NYC teaching workforce as effective urban educators.

NYC Men Teach at Citytech  is a active program that currently supports NYC Men Teach fellows from the two Citytech teacher degree programs–the Mathematics Education and the Career and Technical Teacher Education–as well as other students oriented towards a teaching career. Program fellows receive monthly metro cards, free certification exam vouchers and other financial incentives, as well as access to a dedicated program counselor who offer advisement and other academic supports.  NYC Men Teach program fellows also convene for a semester-long seminar focused on culturally-responsive education. Come join us!

Spring NYC Men Teach Application Link:



For more information contact


AE Dreyfuss

New York City College of Technology

NYC Men Teach Program Manager

Naam 604



Armando Cosme

New York City College of Technology

NYC Men Teach Program Assistant Manager

Naam 604
