
Empowering a Greener Future, Together! Discover Our Eco-Friendly Solutions and Take Charge of Change.”

Natural Ventilation:

· Use of monitored building data to inform control strategy.

· Energy modelling optimizes heating, ventilation, and cooling scenarios.

· Implementation of different natural or mechanical solutions to avoid overheating and CO2 build-up.

· Modelling of CO2 builds up within each space.

· Modelling to determine the temperature and velocity of incoming air at the occupied zone.

Natural Energy Generation:

· Use of monitored building data for better use on sunny days.

· Combination of renewable energy and conventional grid. Excess energy is sent back to the grid.

· Most of the electricity is generated by photovoltaic panels, geothermal, and wind turbines.

· The building is lit by LED lights which are switched on and off depending on the amount of daylight present.

Rainwater Collection:

· Rainwater harvesting systems include innovative roof pitches, gutters, and water reservoirs.

· Use of permeable and non-permeable paving to collect water not only from the building but also from the area surrounding the building.

· Use of high-efficiency faucets and waterless urinals.

· The building is equipped with two basements. One of them is used for water treatment.

· All water collected including sewage is treated, recycled, and reused onsite.