Hi all,
Regarding waste field work, my student David did a great work: he measured the garbage in trash cans in parks in several mornings, and mapped it using google Map.
Hi all,
Regarding waste field work, my student David did a great work: he measured the garbage in trash cans in parks in several mornings, and mapped it using google Map.
Subway Study Shows Which Boroughs Have The Most Rats, Filth, Darkness
via Subway Study Shows Which Boroughs Have The Most Rats, Filth, Darkness: Gothamist.
Here’s an article that features Bobby. Remember how he was telling us about the birth control in the subways during the rat safari?
Hey guys,
I saw this and thought of you all. I had spoken about this will Bobby and how using pheromones could perhaps be helpful in controlling the populations. I wasn’t that far off…
Here’s an interesting piece about Robin Nagle’s Picking Up. When we were on the Rat Safari, it was mentioned to us, as well as Robert Sullivan’s Rats.