Monthly Archives: April 2014

Treat youself to a tasty treat

Fundraiser- NYC clean up will be having a fundraiser on Thursday,May 1, 2014 from 1:00pm to 6:00pm. We would like for all to come and get a treat only for a dollar. We will be serveing ice cream, freshly baked cookies, cupcakes and smoothies. The proceeds will go towards our recreation center that we are bulding. This fundraiser with be a great help to the details we need to add to the center, making it useful to all. Your support is greatly appreciated.

New Product

We just got some new protection gear that a member requested!

Mission Statement

 We are a non-profit organization that helps NYC clean. We serve any and every one that needs our help from small buisnesses to big businesses. We clean up and clean out offices,home, yards, lots, sidewalks and streets.
We want to have a cleaner neighborhood to make NYC look its best. We want you to know that living in a clean enviorment will help us feel fresh and free. Our volunteer’s would like to inspire others to help keep their neighborhood clean where they spend everyday of their lives at. We can help reduce trash and junk by our volunteers coming in to help out and change our neighborhoods.