Publication & Production

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Jimmy Phuong, Naomi O Riches, Luca Calzoni, Gora Datta, Deborah Duran, Asiyah Yu Lin, Ramesh P Singh, Anthony E Solomonides, Noreen Y Whysel, Ramakanth Kavuluru. (September 12, 2022). “Toward informatics-enabled preparedness for natural hazards to minimize health impacts of climate change,” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Volume 29, Issue 12, December 2022, Pages 2161–2167,

Whysel, Noreen. (February 24, 2022). “Designing Respectful Tech: What is your relationship with technology?” Boxes and Arrows. Web.

Whysel, Noreen. (June/July 2015). Information architecture in Wikipedia. ASIS&T Bulletin. Association for Information Science and Technology.

Zaidi, Qasim, Bill Yoshimi & Noreen Flanigan (Whysel) & Anthony Canova. (1992). “Lateral interactions within color mechanisms in simultaneous induced contrast.” Vision Research, 32, 1695-1707, 1992. DOI:

Zaidi, Qasim, Bill Yoshimi, Noreen Flanigan (Whysel). (1990). “Tests of spatial additivity for induced color contrast.” Optical Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1990. (Opt. Soc. Am. Tech. Digest Series, 15, 206, 1990).

Conference Papers

Gesing, S., Brandt, S., Bradley, S., Potkewitz, M., Kee, K., Whysel, N., Perri, M., Cleveland, S., Rugg, A. and Smith, J. (2021, July 18–22). “A Vision for science gateways: Bridging the gap and broadening the outreach.” In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC ’21), Association for Computing Machinery.

Whysel, Noreen. (2020, November 19). Accessibility compliance and assessments for gateway websites in life sciences: Toward inclusive design. [Poster presentation]. 18th Annual Poster SessionNew York City College of Technology, Brooklyn, NY. (Slide 20)

Thurow, Shari, Noreen Whysel & Bev Corwin. (2021,). Accessibility compliance and assessments for gateway websites in life sciences: Toward inclusive design. [Poster Presentation]. IAC 2021: The Information Architecture Conference. Online.

Thurow, Shari, Noreen Whysel & Bev Corwin. (October 19, 2020). Accessibility compliance and assessments for gateway websites in life sciences: Toward inclusive design. [Poster Presentation]. Gateways 2020: Science Gateways Community Institute, Online.

Thurow, Shari & Noreen Whysel. (2019, October 30). How to create and maintain an effective information architecture and navigation system for science gateway websites. [Poster Presentation]. Gateways 2019: Science Gateways Community Institute.

Whysel, Noreen. (2019, March 16). IA Gateway. [Poster Presentation]. The Information Architecture Conference 2019. Orlando, FL.

Corwin, Bev, C, Ewen.l, Sean Auriti, John Ulmer, Janine Medina & Noreen Whysel. (2016, November 2). Creating a gateway for collaborative learning. [Paper Presentation]. Gateways 2016. Science Gateways Institute. San Diego Supercomputing Center, La Jolla, CA.

Whysel, Noreen. (2016, May 7). Pinterest as digital archive. [Poster Presentation]. ASIS&T 2016 Information Architecture Summit, Atlanta, GA.

Whysel, Noreen. (2015, April 25). IA and Wikipedia. [Poster presentation]. ASIS&T 2015 Information Architecture Summit, Minneapolis, MN.

Edelstein, Jeff, Carolyn Li-Madeo, Julia Marden,l & Noreen Whysel. (November 30 – October 1, 2013). Linked open data for cultural heritage: Evolution of an information technology. Proceedings of the 31st ACM international conference on design of communication. SIGDOC 2013: Simplifying Complexity. Greenville, N.C.: Association for Machine Computing.

Dowling, Kate, Danielle Hart & Noreen Whysel. (April 5, 2013). Folksonomies and social tagging in museums. [Poster presentation]. ASIS&T 2013 Information Architecture Summit, Baltimore, MD.

Whysel, Noreen. (March 22, 2012). Incident timeline and review of technology advances at OEM since 2001 (revised). [Poster presentation]. ASIS&T 2012 Information Architecture Summit, New Orleans, LA.

Whysel, Noreen. (November 16, 2011). Incident timeline and review of technology advances at OEM since 2001. [Poster presentation]. NYC GeoSymposium 2001-2011-2021, New York, NY.

Research Projects

Thurow, Shari, Noreen Whysel & Bev Corwin. (2020). Accessibility compliance and assessments for gateway websites in life sciences: Toward inclusive design

Thurow, Shari & Noreen Whysel. (2019). How to create and maintain an effective information architecture and navigation system for science gateway websites

Thornhill, Kate et al. (December 17, 2018). Digital libraries user personas best practices. Digital Libraries Federation.

White Papers

Whysel, Noreen & Lisa LeVasseur. (March 6, 2024). Internet Safety Labs..

Whysel, Noreen, Lisa LeVasseur & Andrea Ausland. (June 2, 2022). Spotlight Report #6: Proffering Machine-Readable Personal Privacy Research Agreements: Pilot Project Findings for IEEE P7012 WG.

Whysel, Noreen, Lisa LeVasseur & Julia Little. (January 18, 2022). Spotlight report #5: Me2B Alliance validation testing report: Consumer perception of legal policies in digital technology.

Whysel, Noreen, Lisa LeVasseur, Shaun Spaulding, Esq. & Julia Little. (November 5, 2021). Spotlight report #3: Me2B Alliance validation research: Consumer sensitivity to location tracking by websites and mobile apps.

Technology Standards and Guidelines

Jones, Tom (ed.), Justin Byrd, Isha, Bev Corwin, Salvatore D’Agostino, Jorge Flores, Jim Kragh, Tom Sullivan,l & Noreen Whysel. (2024). Digital Identifier Inclusion v1.0. [Draft report]. Resilient Identifiers for Underserved Populations Working Group. Kantara Initiative.

Internet Safety Labs. (July 5, 2022). ISL Safe Software Specification for Websites and Mobile Apps v1.1.

Me2B Alliance. (April 29, 2022). Me2B Safe Technology Specification v1.0.

Kantara Initiative. (October 27, 2020). Mobile Authentication Assurance Statement (MAAS). [Draft specification]. Federated Identifiers for Resilient Ecosystems Working Group. Kantara Initiative.

Identity Ecosystem Steering Group. (June 10, 2016). IDEF Knowledgebase: User experience guidelines and metrics.

Identity Ecosystem Steering Group. (June 10, 2016). Identity Ecosystem Framework: Usability.

Position Statements

Whysel, Noreen & Lisa LeVasseur. (May 4, 2022). Statements to the California Privacy Protection Agency during their Stakeholder Sessions. California Privacy Protection Agency Stakeholder Session on Dark Patterns.

Whysel, Noreen, (November 6, 2021). Adjunct Teaching—Public Hearing Statement. November 12 hearing of the Committee on Higher Education. New York City Council.

Whysel, Noreen. (May 9, 2019). City Charter Amendment-DOITT (Chapter 48)—Public Hearing Statement. Charter 2019 NYC Revision Commission, New York City Council.

Conference Planning

Architecture_MPS Conferences (
2014-2024, Volunteer, Moderator, Social Media Editor

IAC: The Information Architecture Conference (
2024, Session Chair, Mentor
2023, Sponsorship Co-Lead
2021-2022, First Timers Event Lead
2020, Conference Co-Chair
2019, Experience Director

Technology Transfer Days (
2013-2023, Mentor, Advisor, Planning Committee

World Information Architecture Day (
2024, NYC Event Co-Chair
2023, NYC Event Co-Chair
2014-2019, NYC Event Volunteer, Social Media Coordinator
2013, NYC Event Co-Chair
2012, Ann Arbor Event Volunteer

GeoSummit, NYC GIS Association
2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024, Planning Committee

Information Architecture Summit
2007-2014, 2016-2017, Volunteer, Mentor

Information Architecture Institute, Annual Meeting
2007-2014, Planning Committee, Operations Manager

GovTech, NYC Government in Technology
2011, “GeoSymposium 2001-2011-2021” Planning Team