
My name is Nicole Reid, and I am a newly appointed registered nurse pursuing my final courses to attain my baccalaureate degree in nursing. I was born in Jamaica, West Indies, but moved to America at the ripe age of ten. When I was younger and new to the country, I liked to consider myself “the obscure Jamaican girl” because I was seemingly so different from my peers. I had a thick accent, I dressed differently, and I even ate differently. Needless to say, growing up in an unfamiliar society posed its own unique set of challenges. However, I believe it was this start that makes me the ideal nurse. The world is filled with unique individuals and subsequently, unique clients. This ability to accept all persons as they are fostered the competency needed to care for dynamic clients.

When I am not working in the clinical setting, or learning new nursing standards in the academic setting, I enjoy traveling and exploring various ways of living and being exposed to different cultures. When I am not traveling, I am most likely at home reading,  critiquing new genres of music or bonding with my very Jamaican family.