Community Service

Healthy Teeth – Happy Smile
Group Outreach Activity (Spring 2024)

Participating in a community healthcare project aimed at promoting oral health among preschool children was both fulfilling and impactful. Working alongside a dedicated team of three others, my primary role involved meticulously crafting the presentation and poster. Drawing from extensive research on effective communication and information retention techniques for young children, I ensured that our materials were not only informative but also engaging and impactful.

Our initiative kicked off with a carefully planned presentation tailored to the children’s comprehension level. Utilizing colorful visuals and interactive storytelling, we captivated the young audience’s attention while highlighting the importance of oral hygiene and its connection to overall well-being. Through this approach, we aimed to instill lifelong habits for maintaining healthy teeth in an engaging and memorable way.

In addition to the presentation, we designed an eye-catching poster illustrating good oral hygiene practices. Drawing upon my research on effective communication strategies, the poster served as a visual reminder for both children and caregivers alike, reinforcing key concepts introduced during the presentation. Together, these efforts contributed to raising awareness about oral health and empowering young children to take charge of their well-being.

Head Start Outreach
Group Outreach Activity (Spring 2024)

I had the opportunity to participate in a collaborative outreach initiative as a dental hygiene student, organized by my class and professors. Together, we attended a comprehensive family health program at the Family Head Start Center in Brooklyn, NY. Our primary objective was to provide education on dental health to families and their children, complemented by free dental health screenings and fluoride varnish sessions.

Throughout the event, we conducted informative sessions aimed at raising awareness about the importance of dental hygiene practices such as regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups. Beyond the educational and preventative aspects, our initiative extended to facilitating access to essential healthcare services for families in need. Collaborating with local healthcare providers, we assisted families in navigating the healthcare system and connecting them with appropriate resources for ongoing dental and medical care. By addressing both educational and practical needs, our outreach efforts aimed to empower families with the knowledge and resources necessary to prioritize their dental health and overall well-being.