Invited presentations and symposia
- Kennedy, N.S. (2023) (Keynote Address). Unpacking mathematical identity. I Ibero-American Congress on learning, teaching and dialogical identity, Puebla, Mexico, June 27-28, 2023.
- Ghosh-Dastidar, U., Samaroo, D., Kennedy, N.S., Aquaviva, V., Weinreb, J. (2022). SEER: Supporting, engaging, empowering, and retaining new scholars in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. (AAAS) American Association for the Advancement of Science & NSF S-STEM Symposium, September 29- October 1, 2022. Invited presentation.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2022). (Keynote Address) Teaching mathematics in a philosophical key. Bridges between Science and Philosophical Inquiry Conference, December 10, 2022. University of Thessaly, Volos.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2022). (Invited workshop). Organizing Philosophical Discussions in the Math Classroom, Bridges between Science and Philosophical Inquiry Conference, December 10, 2022. University of Thessaly, Volos.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2020). Children, numbers and philosophy: How philosophy can help in talking with children about math, Salisbury University, Maryland, 5th, 2019 (invited public lecture).
- Kennedy, N.S. (2020). Teaching mathematics in a philosophical key. Salisbury University, Maryland, Sept. 5th, 2019 (An invited lecture).
- Kennedy, N.S. (2020). Assessment in the context of the new IB Math Curriculum International Baccalaureate Assessment Meeting, October 21-24, 2019, Cardiff, UK.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2020). Teaching mathematics through community of inquiry. Invited workshop for Inservice teachers and students at Biruni University, Istanbul, Turkey, March 14-15, 2020. Cancelled due to Covid19.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2019). Organizing philosophical dialogue in the math classroom. Invited lecture, University of Azores, Portugal, June 22, 2019.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2019). Teaching mathematics in a philosophical key. Invited lecture for Escola Basica e Secundaria Armando Cortes-Rodrigez, Master’s class, University of Azores, Portugal, June 19, 2019.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2019). Talking philosophy in a math class. Invited lecture for Escola Basica e Secundaria de Santa Maria, Master’s class, University of Azores, Portugal, June 17, 2019.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2019). How to do research. Invited discussant, round table discussion with master’s class students, University of Azores, Portugal, June 22, 2019.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2017). Helping first semester students navigate the transition from high school into college. Invited panelist for a First Year Learning Communities faculty workshop, February 6, City Tech.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2015). Education for the 21st century. Invited roundtable panel participant. Symposium at the School of Education, Rio Grande do Sul University, Porto Alegre, Brazil October 23, 2015.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2015). Expanding mathematical inquiry. Invited presenter, presentation at the Center of Philosophical Studies of Childhood, State University of Rio de Janeiro, October 21, 2015.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2015). What can philosophy for children bring to the mathematics classroom? Invited presenter, teacher workshop at the 5th Philosophy Olympiad with Children in Rio Grande do Sul University, Porto Alegre, Brazil October 17, 2015.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2015). Expanding mathematical through philosophical inquiry in the schools. Invited presentation at the Summer Institute for Professional Formation of Teachers, Center for Research in Philosophical Inquiry. Acuto, Italy, July 18, 2015.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2015). Facilitation in community of inquiry. Roundtable table panel Invited presentation at the Summer Institute for Professional Formation of Teachers, Center for Research in Philosophical Inquiry. Acuto, Italy, July 19, 2015.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2015). Towards a collaborative knowledge building in mathematics teacher education. Invited presenter, Mathematics Education Colloquium, Medgar Evers College, CUNY, April 1, 2015.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2014). Collective explorations in the mathematics classroom. Invited presenter, teacher workshop at the Summer Immersion Inquiry Seminar, Montclair State University, Mendham, NJ, August 4-11, 2014.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2014). Philosophical inquiry in the mathematics classroom, Invited presenter, Education Research Lecture and Seminar Series, Institute of Education, Plymouth University, UK, February 26, 2014.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2014). Towards collaborative knowledge building in mathematics teacher education, Invited presenter, Mathematics Education Colloquium, West Chester University, February 11.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2014). Towards a critical dialogical mathematics education, Invited presenter, Mathematics Education Colloquium, Keene College, November 21, 2014.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2013). Community of inquiry and its role in school design, Invited presenter (with D. Kennedy), School of Education, University of Cape Town, South Africa, August 27.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2013). Social dimensions of mathematical modeling. Invited presenter. Facilitated a workshop with teachers at the Summer Immersion Inquiry Seminar, Montclair State University, Mendham, NJ, August 3-10, 2013.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2012). Conceptual inquiry intertwined in mathematical teaching and learning. Invited presenter. Facilitated a workshop with teachers at the Summer Immersion Inquiry Seminar, Montclair State University, Mendham, NJ, August 4-11, 2012.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2011). Conceptual inquiry in the mathematics classroom. Invited discussion facilitator. Facilitated a 5-day series of public discussions with school children at Daegok school, Seoul, Korea, July 11-15, 2011.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2011). Narrative inquiry in the mathematics classroom. Invited panel discussant. Participated in 5-day roundtable discussions with teachers and parents at Daegok school, Seoul, Korea, July 11-15, 2011.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2009). Mathematical Inquiry. Invited presenter. Facilitated a workshop at the Eleventh Summer Institute for Professional Formation of Teachers, Center for Research in Philosophical Inquiry. Acuto, Italy, July 17, 2009.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2009). Conceptual inquiry across the curriculum. Invited presenter. Presentation (with D. Kennedy) at the colloquium “Classroom Inquiry Project” organized by the Partnership for Instructional Excellence & Quality (PIE-Q) and IAPC, Montclair State University, April 3, 2009.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2008). Extending learning opportunities for preservice teachers in the mathematics teacher education program. Presentation at the Advisory Board Meeting, Professional Education Program, Stony Brook University, November 18, 2008.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2008). Mathematical inquiry with narrative. Invited presenter, presented (with D. Kennedy) at the Educational Foundations Colloquium Series, Montclair State University, December 10, 2008.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2007). Different modes of community of mathematical inquiry. Invited presenter. Summer Teacher Training Institute. Mendham, Montclair State University, New Jersey, August 17-27.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2006). Nurturing mathematical thinking. Invited presenter. Presented at the Second Annual Philosophy Conference for Gifted Students in NYC. Hunter College, CUNY, May 12, 2006.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2005). Reflection on teaching and learning mathematics. Invited presenter. Presented at the Socratic Discussion Series. Lodi, NJ, Felician College, March 17, 2006.
- Kennedy, N.S. (2005). On argumentation in a community of mathematical inquiry: A dialectical perspective. Invited presenter. Presentation at the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children, Colloquium Series, Montclair State University, June 23, 2005.