


I. General Information

Section Instructor:

Prof. Nicole  Anderson

Office Hours: Before class, Tel: (718) 260-5575



Course Coordinator:

Professor Sigurd Stegmaier, RA

Email: T: (718) 260 – 5731

Voorhees Room V423



Instructor Handouts

Recommended Text:

Building Construction Illustrated, 3rd Edition. ISBN: 0471358983

Architectural Drafting & Design, 4th Edition. ISBN: 076681548X


This course will introduce the student to the fundamental principles of drafting required in the construction field. Students will learn the proper use of drafting instruments and develop a basic working knowledge of construction drawings.

Through the preparation of actual sketches and drawings, the student will develop an understanding of Architectural construction drawings. Students will survey existing conditions and prepare drawings from architectural drawings. Topics will include:

  • Basic drafting techniques
  • Scale drawings
  • Lettering
  • Line work
  • Geometric Construction
  • Foundation drawings
  • Floor plans
  • Elevations
  • Sections
  • Site Plans


II. Course Learning Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course the students should be able to:

A.  Take field measurements and prepare field sketches from their measurements.

B.  Read and interpret working drawings.

C.  Understand the different types of architectural drawings and be able to interpret the information found on each.

D.  Understand the different types of architectural symbols used on construction drawings and their proper use.

E.  Develop the necessary drafting skills required to prepare architectural working drawings including site plans, floor plans, foundation plans, elevation , details and sections.

F.   Develop a basic understanding of construction techniques and how they are presented on a set of drawings.


III. Course Outcomes – ABET Accrediting

Graduates of the Construction Management Civil Engineering Technology Associate Degree Program must demonstrate knowledge & competency in:

  • Demonstrating the proper method required for the taking of field measurements and the preparation of field sketches. Students will also show an understanding of various building elements and construction methods
  • Displaying competency in reading and interpreting typical construction drawings
  • Displaying Competency in reading and interpreting the different types of drawings
  • Displaying competency in reading and interpreting architectural symbols shown on construction drawings
  • Preparing architectural working drawings properly, showing a proficiency in the use of drafting equipment
  • Displaying basic competency of construction techniques


IV. Student Evaluations:

Drawings                                                          80%

Final Examination                                         15%

Class Participation                                   +    5%

Total                                                                    100%

Progress Grades: The Professor will assign a progress grade at the end of each class session which will affect the final grade for the assignment.

***Note: Grades will be downgraded proportionally for incomplete work.***


V. Class Policies

Class Attendance:
It is very important for students to attend all classes. If a student misses a class, it is his/her responsibility to make arrangements with the professor to obtain assignments, handouts and any other material. A student may be absent without penalty for 10% of the number of scheduled class meetings during the semester (2 absences).
Students are responsible for getting any assignments missed due to absence/tardy.
Students should make every effort to be on time to class. If there is a conflict with schedule or in cases of emergency where the student will be late, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor before the scheduled class to avoid late attendance penalty.

Late Policy:
Any student who arrives after the attendance has been taken will be considered late.
Students should make every effort to be on time to class. It is disruptive to the instructor and other students when students arrive late. If there is a conflict with schedule or in cases of emergency, etc…where the student will be late; it is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor before the scheduled class to avoid a late attendance penalty. Attendance is part of the course grading and late attendance will have an impact on that grade.

Academic Integrity:
Academic Dishonesty is prohibited in the City University of New York and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension & expulsion. Any Student caught violating the Academic Integrity Policy in my class will receive a grade of “F” for the semester and will be directed to meet with the head of the department for further discussion.

Homework Assignments
Each week a student will be given drawing assignments throughout the semester.  There will be (6) Six Manual and (7) Seven Digital Assignments [Combination of In-Class & Home Assignments and (1) One Final Project]. Please refer to the Calendar for when assignments are due and when they will be assigned.

All assignments and projects are due at the start of class on the due date specified for each item in the schedule. Any assignment handed in after the start of class on the assignment project due date will receive a 1 Point letter grade reduction for every week the assignment is late. After 3 weeks without an assignment submission by a student, that particular assignment will receive a “F” letter grade, unless other assignment/project submission arrangements are made between the professor and the student (due to extenuating circumstances).

Drawings Require Time, Patience and Diligence. Time Management will be key.


Final Project: Take Home
Late Final Projects will not be accepted under any circumstances. The Final Project is due by the end of class of the last class session. An incomplete Final Project will automatically be downgraded a minimum of 25% based on completion.

Free Pass
Each student is allowed one Free Pass for the given semester. The Free Pass may be used to extend an Assignment Deadline by one class session. The student must submit their copy of the pass when they turn in the assignment and have it signed by the Professor.

Open Lab
ALL Assignments and Course Information will be posted on the Open Lab site for this course. It is your responsibility to stay up to date with our course site.
• You will need to CREATE your own account and JOIN this course. This is your first assignment. Anyone who has not joined our course after the third week of classes will receive a ZERO.

“Real World” Clause: In life there are emergencies, certain events, and other extenuating circumstances that are beyond our control. In the event that a student cannot adhere to the policies listed above, the student must contact the Instructor immediately via e-mail, or in person and inform the instructor of the situation.
ONLY CITYTECH email will be accepted for communication. NO AOL or YAHOO etc.

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