Annotate Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography


Knickerbocker, B. (2013, December 5). William Bratton: why new mayor chose him to lead NYPD — again. Christian Science Monitor. p. N.PAG.  This was a very interesting article the talks about putting to and end the an just stop and frisk and looks into more helpful way to combat crime and protect the innocent people of new york.  The article talks bout the changes the will occur in 2014 for New York.  The article goes into details of the new approach the is going to be taken to fight crime in dangerous area in New York.  William Bratton is a person with integrity had knows of the task at hand.


Richardson, L. (2012). Police Efficiency and the Fourth Amendment. Indiana Law Journal, 87(3), 1143-1182. Its article is a very good source of information it provides statistic the show the negative effect of stop and frisk. Police are  making over 685,784 stop and frisk arrest and an 85% of the stopped were black or Hispanic even though those groups about half of NYC population, of young Black and Latino men account 47% of NYC population but 41.6% of the stops in 2011. These policies was to protect the police and the city, this policies makes these two group fear and despise police officers because they know that the NYC police stop for no reason but to make them uncomfortable and demeaned with unlawful arrests.


CIVIL PROCEDURE – CLASS ACTIONS – SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK CERTIFIES CLASS ACTION AGAINST CITY POLICE FOR SUSPICIONLESS STOPS AND FRISKS OF BLACKS AND LATINOS. — Floyd v. City of New York, 82 Fed. R. Serv. 3d (West) 833 (S.D.N.Y. 2012). (2013). Harvard Law Review, 126(3), 826-833.  Floyd vs City of New York is a lawsuit the the was filed against the NYPD the the practice of Stop and Frisk an how its consider unconstitutional.  This reading provides interesting court case the show how the policies officer abuse of there power.  Also shows all the right the are violated by this policie.


Stop-and-Frisk Is Fair. (2013). National Review, 65(16), 14.  It’s a review of the stop and frisk policies and how some people die due to stop and frisk. Also talks about Christine Quinn is an active Politian against the stop & frisk racial profiling of minorities and low income areas. She and other community leaders help to better inform the public when the police have are wrong, and groups like churches activist against this discriminatory arrests against minorities in low income areas of the black and Latino communities stand with injustice have been wrongly stop and frisk



Bruinius, H. (2013, November 14). Stop-and-frisk: New York AG report questions its effectiveness. Christian Science Monitor. p. N.PAG. The information the is provide in this reading provide information of how its unconstitutional to stop a person base of the geographical location.  Policies officer cant stop a person base on that person is located in a bad neighborhood.  Talks about case the policies officer stop teenager base of the fact the that teen look suspicious.


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