About Me

I would like to begin my introduction by thanking everyone for visiting my eportfolio. I hope you find it very helpful in your search for useful links and information on my personal accomplishments.

My name is Nicolas Franco. I was born in the Dominican Republic and raised in New York City. I am currently enrolled in the Human Service program at New York City College of Technology. I am pursuing my Associate Degree to then complete Bachelors in Child Welfare. My goal is work with victims’ of domestic violence. I will be graduating in 2010.

Life teaches you many things and I have experienced my own share of life lessons. I consider myself to be a survivor who is hard working and very dependable. I have always worked hard to achieve my goals in life. I began working at the age of fifteen while attending high school and I learned that nothing comes free in life. Working and going to school is hard but it gives you a strong sense of responsibility. After graduating from high school I decided to go right away to college I decide to attend New York City College of Technology and major in Human Services. I have taken several courses to achieve my goal of becoming a Human Service professional. Some of the courses are listed below. Each course offered me the chance to learn something new. For example Group Dynamics is a course that teachers you how to manage a group. This is my fourth semester and I am doing my internship in an agency called Brooklyn Developmental Center an agency that services the mentally ill. I have the opportunity to work with professionals such as Psychologies, social workers, program directors and also nutritionists. By doing my internship I have the chance to utilize and expand all the skills that I have learned in school.

“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed”. Theodore Roosevelt

I believe the future is shining like a sun because I have many plan and I am working now to achieve them. One of my plans is to graduate from college with a Bachelors and pursue my masters in Human Services. Like everyone else I have weaknesses that I am learning to overcome but I also have the willingness and passion to fight for what I want.