Learning Self Analysis

Pursuing my Baccalaureate degree in Nursing has really help me to grow as a person educationally and professionally. During my journey I have learned to be a better leader by inspiring othes to do and be the best they can be. I was able to communicate with my staff better after learning some leadership techniques such as listening attentively. Another improvement for me was being able to respond to family members concern in a more empathetic and sophisticated way. Prior I would past it on to my charge nurse or my supervisior but now I am able to assess the situation and come up with a resolution, apologize for any mishaps and ensure improvement while taking resonsibility.

Durning my course I have gain experience in woking outside of the hopital setting which was a new experience for me. I worked in communities clinics and school. I had to learn how to communicate with a non english speaking population which was suprisingly enjoyable for me because I learned a whole new culture. Other great experience for me was being in the school and seeing how earliy childhood education is started. I have learned how important it is for parents to be involve with their children everyday lives. Also as a nurse I have learned that we have a resonsibility to advocate for improvement of our health care system whether its in schools, communities or hospitals.

I really belived that the baccalaureate program has prepared me for a better leadership role. I am alot more confident when I work as the charge nurse, more confident in speaking with doctors and giving my recommendation. Assessing my patients holisticlly has improved and I am able to assist my patients with the resources that they may need for instance social service, home care, medicare etc. Another great experience for me was being able to go to Bellevue sim lab to participate in the natural disaster preperation. It’s very rewarding to be able to look back at all the hard work and see the progression.