Individual Strengths

One of my greatest achievement was been voted as employee of the month in January 2016. As an employee of this institution for the past 21 years, I pride myself as a loyal and devoted employee. My personal strengths are detemination and pride. I take pride in whatever I may embark to do. My grandmother would reiterate to me growing up” be proud of whatever you do, whether it sweeping the floors or being the boss. Be the best floor sweeper or boss that you can be and be proud of it”. My pride lets me accomplish anything I set out to do. My pride provides me with a sense of comfort that allows me to be confident. I challenge my limitaitons and boundaries and turn them into stepping stones to sucess.

Without determination there is no driving force  to push a person to accomplish their goals. I am always determinine to get the job done to the best of my ability. I strive for excellence to reach my goal. If my goal is not reach I wil start over again in order to accomplish the goal. I do beleive hard work and dedication do pay off on the road to success.