workers rights


Natalie Clyne


Eng 1101-D362

Essay 2-Revised



Workers Rights

Workers rights has been an ongoing issue for many years. Workers should


take into consideration that jobs need to improve more than they have been. It


is important that workers should know their rights andĀ Ā  responsibilities


when applying for a job. There are many workers issues that are crucial such as



unionizing, minimum wage, and health insurance.


One struggle workers face is not having been unionized. Some jobs do not have


a union, which is unfair for the workers. Non-union workers are typically hired


ā€œat will,ā€ meaning they can be fired for no reason. There are exceptions.


Employers can terminate a worker for discriminatory reasons such as race,


religion and, age, or false allegations, but workers with union jobs can only be


terminated for ā€œjust cause,ā€ and the misconduct must be serious enough


to merit such action. Before an employee can actually be fired, he or

she must go through a grievance procedure and, if necessary, arbitration. Unionized


workers have more power. By being in a unionized job, you have more access


to benefits, job security, and better wages. A worker should not, have to

wonder if he or she will get fired if he or she stand up for his or her


rights or voices his or her opinions. No one should have to lived in


Another struggle some workers face is minimum wage. Everyday for a low wage


workers are filled with struggle and anxiety. Some people have to work two jobs


just to pay bills and put food on the table, and sometimes thatā€™s just not enough.


In the last five years minimum wage has not increased, which is unfair because


everything else is increasing like rent, transportation, food, and utilitiesĀ Ā  and yet


low-wage workers must rely on public assistance just to keep their heads above


water. Raising the minimum wage would allow people to come off of food


stamps, and have the dignity and satisfaction of buying food with their own


paychecks. The good news about it is that many states and local leaders are


taking matters into their own hands, even though there are some against it who say


that it will mean less hiring and more layoffs, but I believe there will be a change.


Another workers, right is health insurance. I believe all jobs should offer their


employees health insurance. Some are against it because they say providing health


insurance for small companies more expensive than for large ones in terms of


higher prices because of lesser buying power and relatively high costs of


administration, which I strongly disagree with because it should not matter if the


company is too small or big. A worker should not have to still work if he or she


is sick.Ā Ā  He or She should be able to take the day off and make a doctors,


appointment. He or She should not have to be afraid because of bill thatĀ Ā  he or


she will receive in their mail. Offering health insurance to employees can be


advantageous to a business owner who may be able to get personal benefits for


less money than if he or she purchased insurance privately. No his and her should


have to pay for is or her health. It should be given for free because we can not


control our health.


In conclusion, workers should have rights have which include union,


minimum wage, and health insurance. I believe that workers, rights should be


implemented, and workers should stand up for their rights regardless of the


situation. Every worker should come together and voice his or her opinions and all


should have each others, backs to fight for their rights.








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