Narrative essay

Natalie Clyne

Eng 1101-D362

Prof: Guthrie

Essay 1






The struggles of Migrating From a Different Country.



There are many struggles people face when migrating to a foreign country, such as culture acclamation, food and weather. Too often people base there opinion of a foreign country or books they’ve read or images they see just like in the movie “Coming to America”, not realizing that those images are often just the good part of America. That being said, there are many struggles that people may face when they actually migrate to a foreign country expecting what they have seen in movies and realizing that the reality it is not quite all that is was cracked up to be. Some struggles may include, adjusting to the environment, language and creating better future.

One of the struggle people face is adjusting to the environment, the different seasons dealing with the cold especially if you’re migrating from a Caribbean country like Trinidad that is always hot. It was very difficult for me at first cause I would cry every time I had to go to school because it is freezing cold especially waiting for the bus was one of my worst experience. Sometimes I would ask my parents if I can stay home they would tell me no, I hated the winter, also dealing with the different languages.

Another struggle is language, Language for me also was difficult even though I speak only English. Sometimes when I travel people tend to have a problem with my accent or I would not understand theirs. Even making simple communication like ordering food at a restaurant or asking for directions can be a difficult task if you can not speak the proper language. Is like being force to be some where, where you do not want to be. I didn’t understand the meaning of bullying until I experience it myself. As an immigrant I was bullied and laughed at. Everyone made fun of my accent when I spoke which made me feel insecure and uncomfortable of my environment. But there are many opportunities also.

Also another struggle is better future, even though its good but its also a struggle starting all over again. It is very hard to start over knowing you have completed your education back home but also it is good because some of the stuff that is taught here, were not taught in Trinidad. There are more career opportunities that people are able to choose from, such as furthering your education in masters, phd and doctorate and it does not matter of the age or disabilities.

In conclusion Migrating to a foreign country have many struggles which include adjusting to the environment, language and create a better future, which is a difficult situation. Is learning to become a whole new different person entirely, learning to adopt to the different changes even though we do not want to but we have to accept it.

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